Stress is a serious problem of Western civilization. Most people don't know there are two types of stress. One of them is what we usually think of - negative tension, us less effective, destroyed our self-esteem and is really unpleasant. According to need. But it is a different kind of stress, which is really pleasant. It makes very excited feel us and fills us with positive emotions. It is called a stressor. It makes us ready for new challenges and gives us a lot of energy.

Really interesting is that the chemical reactions that take place in our brain are always the same. There are exactly the same hormones released, if we feel frightened by a dog, and if we feel a joy of ride in your new car. And they often cause the same symptoms as a pounding heart, vertigo… What is different is our perception of these symptoms.

What does it really mean? That what we feel (fear or excitement) is, that we, of the situation. If we change our perception of a given situation in a position, we can easily change how we feel. And the "bad stress" (not) may disappear. We find a good example of this in to speak in public. Many people who believe that talk, they need to perfectly, know all the answers and the number one expert on the world to recognized and be appreciated. Therefore, talk in public is very stressful event for such people. And in many cases, the solution is quite simple. It is enough to realize we need not, significant added value to the public be perfect. Then just focus on this value, and how we can add it. And the most part of fear can disappear or change even in excitement. It all depends on what we believe.

Serious damage to health and the condition of people today make distress. It adds to the depression, heart attacks, and is a hidden cause of many other diseases. The high level of negative stress is such a common problem, that everyone should be the difference between these two types of stress and do something bad in the good to turn a.